The breadth of the well-being benefits achieved through the EHE is fairly easy to see and evaluate. All for the cost of building a small modular village.
The EHE homes are estimated at 85k per home. Some of their benefits are:
On that final check out their home reverts back to their family. The family have the option to keep renting to the housing cooperative, to sell to the cooperative or sell privately. They will have already agreed to a long-term lease. No family will be removed from the exchange house without adequate notice. The Community Housing Cooperative will be responsible for any re-housing needs. In some cases the EHE owner or their families may have already agreed a rent to buy option with their tenants. This overcomes the need for large deposits which young people in particular struggle to find.
The EHE project is an achievable well thought out model that demonstrates how ageing people can use their own asset to sustain the last years of their lives in comfort. It is a lift and drop project repeatable in any community, on any piece of land. The project can be scaled up or downsized to 4 properties. Wherever there is a piece of land the option to fit a Power Home exists. With 668 from 3800 + residents being over 65 and worrying about poverty in their pension years. What better place to launch this innovative housing-solution?